Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
lose one's gender:
In gay parlance, to abandon homosexuality for heterosexuality .See Also: active castration complex, AEGIS, alternately gendered, bigendered, bisexual libido, break in the balls, broken her teacup, brothersister, burn out, CG, CGI, chromo, crosswired, dogface, doggie, dumbo, female of the species, the, female variety, the, feminine persuasion, the, feminine variety, the, GD, GEM, gender, gender dysphoria, gender variant, GIDAANT, hyperfemininity, hypermasculinity, inner sex, linguistic cross-dressing, lose it, lose one's cherry, lose the old head over, lovely variety, the, medomalacuphobia, mess with nature, mizuko-jizo, mother-in-law, non-conforming gender, nonconforming gender, omnigendered, pangendered, pansexuality, peter out, polygendered, pronoun reversal, sex number, sexual preference, SGO, tempasthenic, third set, third sex, thlipsophilist, Tijuana Tuck & Roll, transcengender, transgender, transgendered, transgenderism, transgressively gendered, transhomosexuality, transphobia, truegendered, TWRL, variant expressive, vomit
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